Veel mensen koken broccoli, maar dan gaan veel waardevolle voedingsstoffen verloren. Je kunt de groente beter stomen.

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Do you cook broccoli like this?


Broccoli is loaded with vitamins.

But, boiling it in water strips a lot of its nutrients. Including the cancer-fighting ones, like glucosinolates. The water-soluble vitamins leech into the water.

Thinking about drinking the broccoli water to get those vitamins? Baaad idea. Pesticides can also transfer to the water. Unless you pony up for organic veggies.

Just steam the broccoli instead. Experts consider it the best way to preserve broccoli's nutrition.

The easiest way is just use your microwave. You don't even need a steamer.

Cut the broccoli into 1-inch pieces for even cooking. Fill a large, microwave-safe glass bowl with the florets. Add about a tablespoon of water to the bowl. Cover the bowl with a plate. Pop it into the microwave for a few minutes.


Healthy, delicious, steamed, broccoli.

No microwave? Then just use a steam basket. It will keep your broccoli out of the water and taste just as good.

Just don't cover it in cheese.